Engage your little ones in a meaningful activity with our Palestine Colouring Sheets, letting them colour, learn, and show solidarity.

As parents, we constantly seek wholesome activities for our children, activities that can not only entertain them but also enlighten their young minds. In light of the current heart-wrenching situation in Palestine, it’s crucial to introduce our children to the realities of the world in a way they can understand and respond to. This is why we have designed Palestine Colouring Sheets to help you engage your children in a meaningful way.
The colouring sheets are specially created for kids aged 3-7 years, and are designed to spark curiosity, empathy, and a sense of solidarity with the people of Palestine. They feature simple outlines associated with Palestine including its flag, the iconic Masjid Al-Aqsa, and empowering slogans. Each sheet also carries a simple “Did You Know?” fact to make this activity both fun and educational.
The colouring activity can serve as a great conversation starter to discuss the importance of showing care and support towards others, no matter where they live. It’s a small step towards nurturing a generation that’s compassionate, aware, and active in making the world a better place.
We invite you to download these colouring sheets, grab a set of crayons, and have a meaningful colouring session with your little ones.
As you colour, you can also discuss the simple facts provided with each graphic. It’s a beautiful way to introduce your children to the essence of solidarity, empathy, and love for humanity, as taught in Islam.
So why wait? Download the colouring sheets today and let’s colour for Palestine, colour for peace, and colour for a brighter tomorrow!